The ECU SRG’s members provide expert advice to the ECU about the operation and context of education and care and child care services across Tasmania on matters that are affecting educators, services, and communities in Tasmania. This also includes providing advice and feedback on how to support outcomes for children through early and middle childhood. Members assist in identifying issues and opportunities that have the potential to affect the sector or outcomes for children.
The ECU and ECU SRG members work collaboratively with the purpose of achieving positive outcomes for children.
Organisation Members
The ECU has invited a number of organisations to be members of the ECU SRG. Current organisational members are:
Early Childhood Australia (Tasmania Branch)
Annette Barwick
Annette has worked in the education and care sector for over 28 years, having worked in a variety of early and middle childhood settings and positions before moving into senior strategic and operational, training and management roles with Lady Gowrie Tasmania for over 15 years.
Annette has been an executive committee member of the Early Childhood Australia Tasmania Branch in excess of 14 years. Annette regards her connection with the sector as a privilege and has the greatest respect for the role educator’s play in the lives of young children and their families. This drives and inspires her to continue to advocate for the importance of the early years and the value of ongoing professional learning.
Australian Childcare Alliance (Tasmania Branch)
Tim Short
Tim is the CEO of Adventure Patch, a not for profit (NFP) ECEC provider that has been operating in Tasmania for over 40 years. Tim is reasonably new to the sector having taken up the role of CEO in May 2023. Previously Tim had a 20 year career in local government holding senior leadership roles across multiple portfolios including economic development, community services, event management, finance, risk and human resources. Tim is loving the change in career and applying his leadership experience to a proud Tasmanian NFP and working in an industry where children are genuinely put first.
Family Day Care Council of Tasmania
Angela Stanley-Gasparin
Angela has worked for Clarence Children’s Services for 20 years which encompasses a Family Day Care Scheme, seven OSHC programs, and three vacation care programs. Angela’s current role is Manager of Clarence Children’s Services, and she represents the Family Day Care Council of Tasmania.
Catholic Education Tasmania
Tash Williams
Tash holds a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) from the University of Southern Queensland, a Master of Education (Special Education), and is in the final stages of completing her Educational Doctorate with UTAS. With 17 years of experience, Tash has worked as both an Early Childhood Teacher and a Special Learning Needs Coordinator. Since January 2024, Tash has served as a Subject Matter Expert in Early Childhood.
Independent Schools Tasmania
Mark Seagar
Mark graduated from the University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Teaching Degree (ECE Specialisation) in 1999. Commencing his career as a classroom teaching at St. Michael’s Collegiate School, Mark then spent 19 years working as the Director of Education and Care Services at Pixie Child Care Centres / Scared Heart College (2001 – 2004) and Friends Early Years / The Friends School (2004 – 2019).
Mark was a member of the Executive Committee of Early Childhood Australia (Tasmania Branch) from 2010 – 2012 and a member of the Minister’s Child Care Advisory Council from 2010 – 2012.
Mark commenced his current role as Early Years Education Consultant for Independent Schools Tasmania in January 2020.
Early Childhood Educators of Tasmania
Sandra Mazengarb
Sandra is the Director of Early Years Learning at St Virgil’s College and represents the Early Childhood Educators of Tasmania.
United Workers Union Representative
Alicia Smith
Bio to follow.
Individual Members
The ECU has identified several community or sector cohorts where individuals are able to provide advice and input into ECU SRG discussions based on their individual expertise and lived experience. Members from the following cohorts are appointed through an expression of interest process conducted by the ECU:
Parent / Family
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community
Out-of-scope (licensed) services
Tracey Roberts
Tracey has worked in the education and care sector for over 26 years. She has experience in Family Day Care as an educator, in the Family Day Care Coordination Unit as an Educational Leader and Fieldworker and has worked casually in Long Day Care. Tracey has her Advanced Diploma in Children’s Services.
Tracey has been in her current role as Coordinator of Wombats Childcare Centre at Woodbridge since 2017.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) sector
Tamieka Archer
Tamieka has worked at Devonport Child Care Centres for 14 and a half years. Initially employed as the Finance Officer, her role has expanded and her passion and understanding for the ECEC sector has grown. As the Finance & Administration Manager, Tamieka is part of a management team that supports the Devonport and surrounding community with two Long Day Care services and five OSHC services. Tamieka also acts as Acting Executive Director in the absence of the Executive Director.
Tamieka’s passion within the sector lies in supporting families with individual needs, building a strong and supportive workforce culture and being involved in community partnerships.
Long Day Care Sector
Local Government Provider
Kate Whitbread
Kate is currently the Child Care Delivery Coordinator at Glenorchy City Council’s Child Care Connections Services Benjafield and Berriedale Child Care Centres. Kate has worked in the education and care sector for 26 years and has experience in all areas including long day care, outside school hours care (OSHC) and family day care (FDC). Kate began her education and care career as a junior employee and then commenced studying the Associate Diploma in Child Care part time whilst continuing to work. Kate has continued studying throughout her career and has most recently completed a Diploma in Leadership and Management.
Kate worked as a Validator for the National Child Care Accreditation Council (NCAC) when Accreditation of services commenced and quality assurance in Australia was first raised as a political issue. Kate has also worked for the Education and Care Unit in the area of Assessment and Rating.