Child Care Licence Fees

The Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023 sets out the fees for applications for child care licences under the Child Care Act 2001.  Fees are collected for:

  • Application for licence
  • Application for renewal of licence
  • Late lodgement of application for renewal
  • Request for amendment of a licence

2024-2025 Child Care Licence Fees Information Sheets

Follow links for details of fees:

How Child Care Licence fees are calculated

Schedule 1 of the Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023 lists the number of fee units for each item a fee is specified for. The Department of Treasury and Finance publish Fee Units, which provide for the automatic indexation of most Government fees in line with movements in the Consumer Price Index for Hobart (CPI). The fee amount licensed child care service providers are invoiced for is a calculation of the number of Fee Units specified in the Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023 multiplied by the value of the Fee Unit.

image depicting Fee Unit Equation shown as three boxes with a multiplication and equals sign in between. The boxes read the number of fee units x the Fee Unit value = Child Care Licence Fee
How Child Care Licence Fees are calculated

Please see the document Child Care Notification of Fee Amounts ( for details of the fees that applied from 5 June 2023 to 30 June 2024 and the current fees that have applied from 1 July 2024 for each item fees are collected for.

Changes to fee units under Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023

The Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023 took effect on 5 June 2023, replacing the previous Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2013. The fees specified in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023 applied from 5 June 2023 until 30 June 2024. The fees specified in Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023 apply from 1 July 2024.

We note that when the Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023 were made, the number of fee units for some licences increased quite significantly. When making the regulations the Governor considered advice, including feedback from public consultations, and delayed the start date for increases to the number of fee units from 5 June 2023 until 1 July 2024, rather than implementing the increased number of fee units, and therefore increased fees, from 5 June 2023. This means that from 1 July 2024 there are some larger increases to fees as Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023 is applied because the number of fee units we multiply the fee unit value by has increased.  This larger increase to fees due to the increase in the number of fee units will occur as of 1 July 2024 only as there are no further changes to the number of fee units in the current Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023. Regulations are normally reviewed approximately every ten years and if a review takes place there will be public consultation. As the Fee Unit values are indexed fees may increase annually on 1 July but the number of fee units will not change unless the Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2023 are reviewed.

When are Child Care Licence fees due?

The Education and Care Unit will send an invoice for licence fees.

In the case of an application for renewal of licence, payment must be made by the time your application for renewal of licence is lodged with the Education and Care Unit, 90 days prior to the expiry of your current licence. We will send you an invoice in time for you to make this payment.

Please contact your licensing officer if you have any questions about which licensing fees apply, the timing of payments or any other queries.