2024-2025 Fee Schedule for Licensed Services

Approved Registration Bodies Licensing Fees 2024-2025

Centre Based Care Licence Fees 2024-2025


Information sheets – Licensed services

Information Sheet – Strict Liability

Information Sheet – Cautions

Information Sheet – Portable Cot Use

Information Sheet – Disciplinary Action

Information Sheet – Fitness and Propriety

Information Sheet – Legislative Authority and Responsibilities

Information Sheet – Update to Primary Qualification 1 October 2022

Duty of Care Info Sheet under CCA


Guides and Standards – Licensed services

Centre Based Care Class 5 Licensing Standards

CBC5 Licensing Operational Guide

Centre Based Care Class 4 Licensing Standards

In Home Child Care (ARB) Licensing Standards

In Home Child Care (Carers) Licensing Standards

In Home Child Care (Carers) Licensing Operational Guide

In Home Child Care (ARB) Licensing Operational Guide